Quickie update…

Recovery continues and seems to be progressing quickly.  I’m off all pain meds, including Alleve.  As of Tues, 13 October, I’m off beta blockers and only taking Enalapril once a day. The allergy “drip” that has been a problem since I got home seems to be ever so slowly resolving itself, but will probably be another week before it’s all gone.  I’ll be glad to get rid of the cough.

Twice in the last week (Saturday 10 Oct, and Wednesday 14 Oct) I had higher than normal HR.  BP was fine, but pulse on 10/10 was 128 and stayed between 120 and 130 all day, despite doing nothing at all.  10/14, pulse was 89, but as soon as I did anything would jump into 110 plus.  On my 3.5 mile walk HR was 105/125/140 (low/avg/max) but the day before was 84/95/102 for the same route/distance/duration.  I also felt pretty hungry most of the day, and was sleepy after I ate so I’m wondering if there is some blood sugar issue involved.  On both days I did feel a bit more anxious/tense and didn’t sleep well the night before.  I’ll be keeping my eye on this set of symptoms to see if I can correlate to anything.

Dr. Dixon also said he thought I would feel that cardiac rehab would be a waste of my time.  I’m already walking briskly for over an hour, and the rehab center would likely push me into a reduced program under their protocol.  He said he would prescribe it if I wanted it, but strongly felt that I’d probably drop out quickly.  I have a call set up with the insurance nurse on Thursday 10/15 to go over my cardiac rehab benefits, so I’m holding off on any decision until I get more info.  Dr. Dixon also said that I could start running or other harder workouts so long as they were lower body workouts, and base my effort on how I feel.  I tried jogging a bit today, but with the already elevated HR


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, didn’t find that to feel so good, so I just kept walking.  Assuming I do feel better over the weekend, I’m going to try to setup and ride the bike on the trainer.  After 6 weeks, I should be cleared to engage upper body workouts, and I may try some light TRX work.

Lessons learned: