I’ve been putting off creating a full RR and now just don’t have the energy to do it, so I’ll repost what I sent to TRI-DRS…

Swim. Tough go for the 1st leg, then faster, faster, faster. Not the sub-30 I wanted, but I’ll take 31:17. Massive hammy cramps trying to get out of the water. So bad that I fell backwards and thought I might be trampled. Finally got out of the water. Weazer yelling at me to HTFU and walk it out…

Very slow T1

Bike: Got out and got moving. Once clear of town, opened up and started to cruise. Tough to keep my focus, but found it and started to move along. Lots of 22-23 mph when I glanced at the computer. Drink, Drink, Drink. sucked down a full bottle in 20 minutes. CRAP, it’s warm. Pass by a time/temp sign 8:47am/82%. This is gonna suck. Head down and ride.

About 45 miles into the bike, someone turns the heat up to 11. My speed drops by 3-4 mph. Keep pushing, out of the saddle to stretch, down on the horns, or in full aero, doesn’t matter. My speed is the same. Ease back just a bit, keep something for the run. (Smart move #1)

In and out T2, thinking I’m fast (but am really slow)… And now the race begins…

Jog out of T2 and the hammys are screaming for mommy… stagger, stumble, limp. I try again, same results. And again, and again. I figure that my day is done. No shame in a DNF with these tough conditions. I start looking for a convenient spot to quit. I see other racers headed back my way, with their race number in one hand, and their chip in the other. only 2 miles into the run…

And I think about my upcoming race in LP. And I think about all the time I spent training for this race. And I hear Kurt in my head screaming “HTFU” and I remember that I had one of the body-markers write that on my left calf. And I think about Weazer, sitting in the stifling heat at yet ANOTHER one of my silly events. So I keep going.

A 73 yr old passes me and suggests I “walk it out”. F-that… I suck it up and run past him
2min later, 73 yr old passes me AGAIN, and suggests a run/walk strategy. He’s become the smartest man on the planet. I heed his advice (Smart move #2)

Mile 2-4 of the run I manage a 3min run (10:30-11:00/mile) 2 min “power walk”, while pounding down water and Endurolytes. At the 4 mile mark I start running, get into a zone and start to cruise. I’m feeling pretty good. My brain starts to work. I figure that a PR is gone, so this is a major training day. I’ve got nothing to lose, and EVERYTHING to learn. So I focus on form. I focus on my mental game. I glance at my Garmin and I’m cruising along at 9:30’s, and I feel pretty good. As soon as I start to feel overheated, I slow up and cruise (Smart move #3). I keep the hammy in check, maintain a slow-&-steady pace and keep plugging away.

About a 1/2 mile before the turn, I hear someone yelling my name “There is no quit in you Bassett, there is no quit in you!” I yell back that “I’m coming after you Gatens” and am feeling strong enough to actually try an run him down, even though he looked pretty fresh too me…

And I start to run. I’m slow, but I’m passing people. A lot of people. Others are passing me, some in my AG, but I’m still passing a lot of people. I walk through the aid stations, take water, eat my Endurolytes and Anti-Fatigue caps and push on. I see other friends and acquaintances. They are on the outbound leg. I call out encouragement where I can. I take frequent physical inventory; Hot, but not getting hotter. Uncomfortable, but will not kill me. I’m still sweating, no chills, not much of a headache, minimal cramping. Ok, keep moving forward, push until something hurts, then ease back, walk an aid station; rinse, repeat

I hit the final corner and start to stride into the finish. As I hit the gates, I hear them call out Gatens name. DAMN! almost got him…

Finish the race upright, and with money in the bank. (Smart move #4). Heading into my big training weeks pre-IMLP uninjured (unless you count a blister that could eat Detroit) and much, much smarter for the effort.

6 weeks to IMLP and I’m EAGER for the challenge to come.

Bring it… C’mon, BRING IT!