the personal blog of Greg Bassett, IT Security, Travels & Endurance Sports


I’m not committing or anything but…

Antonio Marathon, Inaugural Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Texas Marathon and half Marathon


It’s a big toss-up. Go home and run an inaugural event, or stay local and run a 1/2 IM

Seafood or Tex-Mex. God help me, my head is going to explode.


  1. Susan

    Hi Greg…this is totally random, but I was actually at your wedding. As Hugh’s date. Please tell him I said hi.

  2. tri.bassett

    Hiya Susan! I love the totally random stuff!

    Here is more totally random stuff.. I’m reading this post about 10 minutes after Hugh left my house.

    Hope all is well with you! Shoot me an e-mail: tri.bassett “at”