Fever broke late Wednesday night, and I started to feel like a human again on Friday. Saturday I attended the American Heart Walk event at Duke Island Park.
Your’s truly in the middle of the poster
I didn’t do the walk, but felt that I had to appear as I was the ‘feature’ in the “Inspire Change” tent. I spent the rest of the afternoon running errands, and was wiped out at the end of the day. Sunday was spent puttering on the computer, reading and napping.

This morning I was itchin’ to get back to work, so I hit the gym at 5:30 for a light weight workout and then headed to the office. In the evening I went to my 1st Pilate’s class. Now I’m sore from knees to nipples, but feeling 100% better.

Tomorrow I’m off to DC for meetings on Wed. I’ve got some plans to get in my swim and run tomorrow and brick/weights on Wed. I’m still planning on hitting 100% for the week, so let’s see what happens…