Month by month:

January – For my 51st birthday, I got a tattoo.  Yep, real ink.  Love it, live it. class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-3547″ alt=”tatoo” src=”×225.jpg” width=”300″ height=”225″ />

February – Since I’m spending more time in the workout room, I decided that it was time to upgrade the TV and simplify the computer setup.  The results were exactly what I wanted.  The laptop (Macbook Pro w/Windows 7 in Bootcamp) works much better with the Cyclops Powerbeam trainer, and the TV is perfect for watching on the trainer or treadmill.


March – My stepbrother Hollis took his own life in late March.  It was a sudden and tragic end to a difficult life.  Lots of bad decisions culminating in tragedy. I spent a lot of time thinking about the meaning of life and recommitting myself to purposeful living.

April – My two brothers and I flew out to Arizona for Hollis’ memorial service.  While the reasons for the trip were sad, it was good to spend some time with them both.  We took the opportunity for a quick hike in the Superstition mountains.  I really do appreciate having both my brothers close by.  I need to remember to tell them that more often.


May – I was nominated for a great management training program at work, and participated in a very challenging CIO simulation.  This program has been run for a number of years, and really reflects how my company works, and the types of business situations and issues that occur every day.  I learned a LOT about myself during these sessions.

June – Patriot 1/2 IM race in Massachusetts.  The Multisport Athletes of the Somerset Hills group had a huge presence at this event.  We all wore our new team kits

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, raced hard and had a lot of fun.  Not my BEST 1/2 IM, but a solid effort in all three sports.


July – Two big trips in July.  Over the Independence Day weekend, I went to Portland for the World Domination Summit.  I loved the sessions and workshops and came away very inspired, if not a bit overwhelmed.  Oh, and I helped set a Guinness World Record:  Most People in a Floating Line.    So I got THAT going for me.


Later in the month we went back to OBX with the Turco/Cole/Bassett group.  This time we opted for a place in Nags Head.  Closer to shopping and other stuff

, making it convenient, if a bit noisy.  Had a GREAT week of weather.  Lots of beach time, some great long workouts and just a ton of fun.


August – I completed my 6th Ironman race in Mont Tremblant Canada in August.  This was my first “international” race.  Mont Tremblant is a GREAT venue for a race.  Again, not a PR day, but I learned some important lessons about fueling during the race..  Thanks to friends at PowerBar Fran got VIP passes and was able to watch some of the race in comfort.  Many thanks to the Jason, Tracy and Stephen from Team NRGY who flew up for the weekend to support me and the other NRGY team racers.

September – Lots and lots of running getting ready for the NY Marathon.  I took a weekend off of running to ride the MS150 City to Shore again.  I really do enjoy this ride and look forward to it every year.


October – One of my high-points for 2013 was the Great Range Traverse.  24 miles, 11,000 feet of elevation gain.  19 hours on the trail  One of the hardest one-day events I’ve ever attempted.  It helped to have good friends along for the adventure.  I’m definitely looking for something like this again!

GRT2013 Finishers

Picture by Mark Walsh


November – NYC Marathon – In 2012 I completed the New York Road Runners 9+1 program and got a guaranteed entry into the marathon.  This was a bucket list race for me.  The course isn’t one for a PR as it is surprisingly hilly

, but I trained for a good performance and ran a good race.  Everything that is said about the race is true!  It is a wonderful experience and one of the best run BIG events I’ve ever done.  I’ll be back to do this one again


December – I ordered a new race bike for 2014.  After a bit of research and shopping I settled on a Trek Speed Concept 9.9.  It won’t be ready until the spring, but I’m really looking forward to riding and racing on the new bike!

Trek SC 9.9

Training Summary:

  • Swim:  237,914 (135+ miles)
  • Bike:  2770 miles
  • Run:  685 miles

I’m planning on bumping up these totals pretty significantly in 2014.  Goals are for 5000 miles biking and 1000 miles running.  Let’s hope the old body holds together!