Two weeks into the 2009 training season and I’m feeling pretty good about my progress.  Weight & BF% are heading in the right direction.  I’m getting more consistent in my workouts, and am starting to recover quicker and feel better about the work.  I’ve also started to really use my CompuTrainer for something other than a glorified stationary bike. 

I still need to tweak my diet.  It’s really easy to slide back into bad habits if I don’t constantly pay attention.  I also need to be even more consistent with my workouts.  While I’m probably at 80-85%, I need to be at 95-100%.  The work is just going to get harder and the duration is going to get longer as the season progresses.  I really need to develop better discipline if I’m going to stay healthy and focused on a great race in September. 

Numbers to date:
8 runs, 30.25 miles
7 rides, 99.86 miles
3 swims, 11,200 yards
3 strength sessions, 2 hrs total

(or just look at the workout log on the left!)

So far, so good!