A great family day!  We slept in late and had a big pancake breakfast.  Piddled about on the computer and around the house for a couple of hours, then headed out for my annual Thanksgiving morning bike ride.  The Loud Guys were not in attendance today, so I was alone with my thoughts.

It was clear, but chilly so I opted for a quickie lake-loop.  This is one of my favorite short rides or long runs as it covers some quiet roads in some of the most lovely areas around where I live.  The “lake” is a smallish body of water in Far Hills.  It’s surrounded by private property, so there isn’t a lot of development to spoil the views.  It’s a beautiful stretch of road in any season.  Today I noticed that the lake was just starting to ice over:

height=”160″ src=”http://lh3.ggpht.com/_bq4vENHU3zs/STADMPs7bbE/AAAAAAAACKA/fLt3MbWDzhg/s160-c/Thanksgiving2008BikeRide.jpg” style=”margin: 1px 0pt 0pt 4px;” width=”160″ />
Thanksgiving 2008 – Bike Ride

I made it around the lake and tried to catch a couple on a tandem as they road back up Far Hills Road, but I just didn’t have the gas.  They were very strong, and I only got within 20 yards of them before the hill topped out and they bombed down the back side into Liberty Corner.

After a quick shower, Weazer & I packed up for the short ride to the shore for Thanksgiving in Seaside Park.  This year Mom decided to have the family celebration at the beach house, and have the whole meal catered.  The drive down the GSP was through some of the worst traffic we have ever seen.  At one point, it took us 30 minutes to go 13 miles.

We finally arrived at the house in time to get a drink, some snacks and take some pictures just as the sun was starting to set:

The pictures of Fran & I are some of the best ever taken.  I’m so grateful that she’s stuck by me all these years!

We had a great meal, with lots of laughs, lots of fine wines and happy kids.  We had an uneventful drive home and went to bed fat, tired and very, very happy!