the personal blog of Greg Bassett, IT Security, Travels & Endurance Sports

Off Season – Week 2 Back at it

So after a weekend of sloth and a Monday feeling like I was sick, I got back to the P90X program with Legs & Back. Legs are burning right now, but in a good way. However I suck at pull ups. I always have, and likely, always will. C’est la vie! I’ll keep trying.

I totally underestimated how hard this workout was going to be. This week I’ll finish off the FIRST week workout, then hit it straight through the following week. Note to self: You HAVE to get up in the morning and do these workouts. After a full day at work, there isn’t enough energy left in the tank to get down and do the workout.

I feel so much better for completing this stuff in the AM.

Back at it indeed!

1 Comment

  1. Kona Shelley

    Good for you for being able to do it in the a.m. I’m the opposite, all though i’m a morning person, I can’t seem to get going. I like it in the early evening…I did arms, back last night..ouch!