I pulled the rip cord, and bailed out of the Philly Marathon. My 20 miler on Sunday told me that trying to pull a sub-4hr 26.2 was not gonna happen. Sub-5hr would be questionable. Sure, my legs weren’t fresh, but it still hurt way too much to run that slow on a flat forgiving terrain. I’m bummed because this means that I didn’t follow through on my goal of a sub-4hr marathon in 2008. Most of my other goals were met, in that I set PRs at all my races, and really improved some times in my 10k and 13.1 runs.
So now it’s officially the “off season”. I’m not doing any coached, structured training, but I am planning on some new routines. LOTS more MTB this fall/winter. Maybe some ‘cross if I can find some group rides or some classes. If not, I’ll put together a barrier and practice mounts/dismounts in the back yard.
And this: For Nov/Dec/Jan.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about this workout. I’ve got no idea where I’m going to hang the pull-up bar, but I’ll figure out something. Since each workout is an hour long, I’ll do them in the AM before work. I’ll still try to get out for at least one swim/bike/run each week and then go long bike/long run on the weekends.