Been listening to:
Buckingham-Nicks. I finally got a copy of this never-on-CD release from pre-Fleetwood Mac Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks. Even after 37 years (yikes) the tunes sound great. While the album never sold well back in the day, it really shows off some powerful performances from a couple of gifted singer/songwriters. And what else can you say about Lindey’s guitar work? Virtuoso!
Imogene Heap – Ellipse. I got into Imogene Heap by way of Frou Frou. I got this new album from
, and it came with both vocal and instrumental tracks of each song. Very cool.
Soundtrack from “Garden State” – Fran and I both love this movie, but neither of us can tell you why. Something about it just resonates with us. For me, part of the attraction is the soundtrack. Great stuff from some of my favorite bands (Coldplay, Frou Frou, Zero 7). When I play this album, I usually end up listening to it beginning to end.