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Work is picking back up, so I wasn’t able to hit all the workouts I had planned.  A bit short of hours this week (planned for 8-8.5), but TSS was higher this week.  High point was Thur/Fri walks of 5 and almost 7 miles.  I was pretty wiped out on Saturday (fuzzy headed, cranky, tired) plus we stayed busy all day so I figured another ‘rest day’ was in order.  I felt a lot better by the end of the day so I think skipping the workout was for the best.  Saturday I got back on the bike trainer for a TrainerRoad recovery ride.  I got a very late start (5:00pm) but rode a nice Z1 pace.  Very low mileage, but I felt great through the whole ride and MUCH better than last week.  I’m going to try to get two rides in this coming week.

Since Fran was going to be away from home at the time I needed to be at the hospital for the Mended Hearts meeting, I decided to go ahead and drive myself.  I’m only 5 days out from the 6 week point

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, so I figured why not.  The earth kept spinning and I didn’t spontaneously combust. I did make a stop on the way home for Starbucks.  Because Decaf Mocha Frappucino Light…

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