Weekly Results:

Stretch 00:15
Bike 35.8 mi 02:12
Run 12.0 mi 01:42
Swim 3700.0 yd 01:05
Total Duration: 05:14

A so-so training week, capped off by a PR run. I suppose that works.

The job got in the way of a lot of training this week. I skipped Pilates on Monday, as I was already sore and tired from the previous weekend’s workout. Tuesday, I didn’t get up in time to get in the run. I worked from home, and spent the whole day in front of the computer dealing with problems until it got too late to go swim. Another big goose-egg. Wednesday, I got the brick done. Thursday, I got the swim, but got home to late to get the bike ride done. Friday was another work-from-home day, and I didn’t get the break to even get out for the 40 min Z2 run that I had on the schedule. I was able to do the short ‘loosen up’ run on Saturday.

Sunday was my first race of the ’08 season. I raced at the Giralda Farms 10k. The day was perfect; clear and cold. This is a good race with less than 400 people each in the 5k and 10k. We only run together for a short time at the beginning, so there isn’t a lot of crowding.

I went as hard as I could hold for the distance, and feel pretty good about my results: 49.27, 7:51 pace per my Garmin, which had the distance at 6.3 miles. This is about a 1:29 PR for me at this same race in 2005. That felt pretty good.

It seems that I must have missed the timing mats at the start, because there aren’t any official times for me. Just in case you need visual proof, here I am at the finish.

A the finish Giralda Farms 10K Run

I got home from the race, had some lunch and went out for my 1:30 Z1 “recovery” ride. Well, I got out a bit late, then got out a bit too far, then I got cold, and then it got dark. So I ended up with a solid 21 mile ride, totally in Z2, with over 1800 feet of climbing. As a result, I’m pretty sore today.

Looking back at the previous week, I realize that I’m skipping workouts when my job has me so frustrated that all I can do it flop in the chair and watch the boob-tube. What I need to remember is that just getting out there and “gettin ‘er done” is a lot better therapy than sitting around and letting my mind stew in the problems. That way lies madness.

So this next 4 weeks will be all about being more self-aware. When I’m headed into the dark side, I need to pull myself out of the chair and go train.