My ‘consistent training’ goal goes 1-3. Tuesday, I slept in late, but still managed to get in my run (5 mile, Z2) and my swim (2350 yds). Tuesday evening, I felt like I had some post-nasal drip, and a bit of a sore throat. Very early Wednesday morning, I wake up shivering and covered in sweat. A visit to the Dr. confirmed that I have the flu. I’ll likely be down for about a week.


I’ve got a weekend full of plans that need to be reorganized. Friday night we were supposed to see “Happy Days” at the Playhouse. We are hoping to be able to give these tickets to someone else.

Saturday I was supposed to be helping with the J&J tent at the American Heart Assoc. Heart Walk. The J&J tent is titled “Inspire Change”:

The purpose of our tent is to inspire change in the daily lives of our participants that reduces risk of heart disease and stroke. As a volunteer, your job would be to interact and talk with your fellow community walkers visiting our tent. We are looking for upbeat and motivated individuals who have a passion for health and fitness and would like to share this passion with others. Your time would be spent interactively motivating and encouraging fellow community members to get healthy, perhaps learn from you what has worked, what has kept you motivated and what keeps you forward-focused! Any amount of time you can donation is appreciated.

I’m hoping I’ll feel good enough to participate, because I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time.

Sunday, I was going to flog myself around the 100 mile Carpe Diem bike ride. I’ve already paid the entry fee and donation minimum, so I’m hoping Hootus will ride for me.

Getting sick sucks… Plus, there is nothing on daytime TV. It almost makes me want to go into the office…